Today the ladies started their day by heading out shopping with Shelly to buy gift hampers for the children's
home. I know that Shelly had a list for everyone to find of things that they could use. I don't really know what was on that list but it was nice to know that we had an expert to help create that list for them.
The men's day started with a drive with Greg around the 'shanty town' area right next to the church. There is certainly a theme on this trip of seeing extreme poverty. The homes build with tar paper and leftover scraps are unfathomable. There are endless stories of 'invasions' of land space by people in so many parts of Hermosillo. What an opportunity it is for Arbol de Vida to be the hands and feet of Christ in caring for these people's physical needs. It was wonderful to see how Greg has build relationships in his neighborhood, as it took no time for him to stop and talk with a gentleman and his daughter that the church has cared for by providing medicine for his wife.
After our drive we loaded into his truck along with Jaelyn and Terrace to head to the children's home. We did this trip Mexican style with five of us riding in the back of the truck on the way over. My girls loved 'living on the edge' in a way that we would have done in Canada back in the 80's!! Once at the home the girls quickly connected with the kids again to spend time with them. Our big project for the day was to pound, pry, and chisel out an old concrete floor in the 'baby room'. It had an old floor in that area that looked like it was from a previous home, but we are unsure about that. Regardless it was too high and needed to be removed. This felt like a hopeless job at times while pounding with no progress. But after breaking a sledge hammer for the second time and finding some additional tools we started to make good progress as a team. It was hard work, and our aches and pains made it feel even more difficult. For me it was a great feeling to get that job completely done as it was really a bonus job that we were working on. I know as a group we felt good knowing that we had done more than they had expected. Hopefully they will be able to have their room for the babies ready sooner than expected!
Part way through our day the wives also arrived with the gift hampers and continued on with their painting. They were able to complete the bedroom and hallway with two coats of paint and we all worked together with the available brushes to finish off the door frames too. It was nice to complete that task as it gives them another room that can be filled with beds for the kids.
It is hard to believe that our work here is done! We now hung around and relaxed until the younger kids got home from school. They attend school from 1 pm to 7pm each week day. The older kids go to class in the mornings. It was quite an experience for me to ride with Pedro to the school to pick up the 12 or so kids. I cannot believe how relaxed he is with this task, and how well all the kids behave as they load into the van on their own after being cooped up in school for the afternoon. I have no idea how he knew if everyone was there or not. These kids are so loving as they all said 'hi' to me as the stranger in the van and several shared their after school snack with each other and me. We also sang several Christmas songs on the way home. They love to hear me sing solos of the English version of what they were singing. What a joy they are to be around.
Once back at the home we all spent some time around the campfire (it got pretty cold tonight as the sun went down) singing Christmas Carols and other praise songs. What an unique experience to have a campfire in December and sing Christmas songs. Something none of us from Saskachewan have ever done before.
Tonight was an evening that we planned to spend with Pedro and Zoila, and all the kids. We waited for pizza to arrive and then had a pizza party where we all sat with different kids. It was a great time to celebrate with them. We all had so much fun!
One part of the celebration was surprising Garry with a birthday cake. What is it with our two replacements having Birthdays on this trip? That was a blast to have so many kids gathering around Garry for pictures and then to hand out cake. I think he said it was the most people he has ever had at a birthday party! He was certainly the most popular 58 year old there with the kids! Hope you had a great day Garry!! Glad you were with us!
After our birthday cake the kids sang for us several Christmas songs they have been working on. Then Barb did a few tricks for the kids, that always amaze them. Finally we stayed to play a game with the kids. Everyone cheered each other on as we attempted to bounce tennis balls into a pail at the other end of their long table. Whoever got the most in one minute won. I think we had a tie between Lydine and Zoila. A perfect ending to our evening.
It was an evening of thanks, bonding, hugs, pictures, and good byes! It was hard to know that we were saying goodbye for who knows how long! These kids have really touched our lives. Sure some of us may return but I certainly pray that they will all come to a saving faith in Christ so that if I don't get back to Mexico I will see them all in heaven. I have no idea how many have accepted Christ but it sure seems to me that Pedro and Zoila are providing a home where the kids will know the salvation plan and are seeing Christ's love lived out everyday. What an emotional evening as we said our goodbyes.
Tomorrow we will leave Mexico, but I will never forget what we have experienced here. God is at work! Tomorrow I will try to share some more stories of the kids we met and the people around them.
Pray for a safe trip back to Tucson tomorrow. Well actually it is today as it is getting pretty late!
Good night!
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