Saturday, 7 December 2013

The Last Day (Terrace's Post #2)

Hey it's Terrace again!

       Yesterday was our last work day! This trip has been an amazing and life changing experience! I think for me especially the last day was the hardest! I found it very difficult to have fun and play with the kids when I knew that I would have to say goodbye at the end of the day. I will admit that after we left the orphanage I cried. I really fell in love with the kids. Also knowing how long the process of coming to Mexico takes, the kids at the orphanage will change and may not remember us. Even if they were stuck in our heads since the last time we saw them, they have many teams going through their house every year. 

      Anyways, the last night was very fun! We had a campfire and took turns singing songs in our separate languages, at the orphanage. Then we had pizza and pop, and to celebrate Garry's birthday we had cake! The kids at the orphanage put on a show to thank us! They were very fun to listen to and spend the evening with! After they sang, Barb wanted to show the kids her magic tricks! It was amazing the look on their faces when they saw the magic! Zoila wanted to play a game as well, so we had a little competion going. We threw tennis balls across the table into a bucket. All in all the evening was great and I will truly miss Pedro, Zoila  and their kids. 

   Coming home is bitter sweet. I am ready to sleep in my own bed. I am ready to see my friends and family. But I am not ready to say good bye to the kids or say goodbye to the people and leave the missionaries. And I am definetly NOT ready to come to the cold!!!

    Thanks for reading, 

1 comment:

  1. Well Terrace, another great post!! Sounds like you all had a great day....even though the goodbyes were so hard. I have to admit that you did better than I would have....I would have been crying at the orphanage!! I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!! Have another safe day of traveling tomorrow!
