Today's team devotional was on submitting ourselves to God so that He is able to use us in His plan. We read a couple of passages, but Romans 12:1,2 was the one that stood out the most to me. Many of us know this scripture well but we don't do well applying it at home. Sure it may be easy to give my body as a living sacrifice here in Mexico, but what about at home? One of the points of our devotional was that God cannot use me and carry out His will in my life if I don't allow Him to do it. I need to completely surrender to His will in all areas of my life if I want Him to complete His work using me. To not completely surrender doesn't mean God cannot carry out His plan (think of Esther). But it does mean I will miss out on the blessing He has for me when I let Him use me as He sees fit, rather than how I see fit!

As you may have noticed I have not even mentioned our work for the day yet. Well don't worry we did get a bunch accomplished between all this playing! The ladies and girls did alot of painting and ran out of paint again today. Hopefully the paint will be there tomorrow for them to finish off the second coat in the dorm room as well as the hallway. It looks great! The men mixed and hauled a lot of concrete, that was handed up to the Mexican team of construction workers to pour on the roof that we prepped yesterday. The 'baby room' now has a roof over it! We have been having a good time with the crew
joking over our language barrier and making lots of hand gestures to communicate with our ten word vocabulary! They seem to be enjoying us being around. I'm sure we are the source of many jokes for them. Tomorrow we are excited to be pouring a concrete floor in the living room. The ladies will stay behind at the church I think and do some decorating for a tea tomorrow night.
After our work today we drove to downtown Hermosillo (Centro) for some market shopping and then the best pizza you have ever bought at a car wash for supper! Ask us about that one!
Please continue to pray for unity amongst our group. It has been great so far! If we seek to keep God's plan first it will stay strong. It was good to hear from Garry that Greg had mentioned to him while driving today that he is impressed with how great our team gets along! We are not looking for man's praise but when hearing a comment like that we want to give the glory to God! Thank you Lord for working amongst us here and uniting us to do Your will. Help us to finish strong and go home 'changed'!
I'm enjoying the blog so much! Dwight, you are putting your team's experiences into words in a very powerful reminds me of my experiences on my past mission trips. It's impossible not to be changed when God allows us a new look into His perspective!